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Scouting Sunrise Adventure

Scouting Sunrise Adventure

The scouting world will celebrate the great Adventure of the passage of the new scouting century with several celebrations joined the world-wide event taking place in England, on 1st August 2007. This will be the special day to celebrate the past, present, and most importantly, the future of Scouting.

'Scouting's Sunrise' will take place exactly one hundred years after Baden-Powell ran his experimental scout camp on Brownsea Island. As the sun rises across the world, Scouts will gather together in millions of locations to renew their Promise, do a Good Turn, present our Gifts for Peace projects and celebrate with our communities.

Brownsea island will be the stage of scouting world for scouts and former scouts: at a unique event, two Scouts from over 150 nations will gather to celebrate the dawn of a new century of Scouting and launch the Movement into it's second century with "Gifts for Peace", the subject for this year that scouts worldwide are managing conflict without violence, challenging prejudice and encouraging greater solidarity.

The projects are being coordinated at a national level and cover a wide range of social issues including bullying; child soldiers; child labour; marginalised groups; religious intolerance; street violence and gangs; peace conflict resolution; health awareness and working in support of human rights. Gifts for Peace is a key programme for all Scouts to tackle local issues and make a difference in our local communities - a fitting way to celebrate the Centenary.

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